Kathy L. Francis has dedicated her career to service in education and public safety. By combing her passion for learning and dedication to a safe, secure, and resilient world, she has served in leadership roles in K-12 education, higher education, municipal law enforcement analysis, and emergency management. Ms. Francis earned her Master of Science (MS) in Management with the Johns Hopkins University Police Executive Leadership program and Certificate of Completion in Crisis Leadership in Higher Education from the Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government. She is also an International Association of Emergency Managers Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) and a certified Maryland Professional Emergency Manager (MDPEMP). She recently attained her Certificate of Mastery: Assessing Learning for College Credit through the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning.
Embracing the transfer of knowledge from generation to generation remains a guiding focus of Ms. Francis' work. She serves as mentor, multi-level curriculum reviewer, national higher education team leader, International Network of Women in Emergency Management, and state student scholarship and emergency management professional credentials reviewer.
"Knowledge is not to be held tightly with a closed fist, but rather an open hand to receive and share enthusiastically." -Kathy Francis
- Kathleen L. Kiernan, Ed.D
- Dr. Gene Deisinger
- James Carlino, DBA
- Laura J. Falvey Ph.D
- Jim O'Brien, Ph.D
- Laura Mannning Johnson, Ph.D
- Dr. Michelle Ward
- Kathleen D. Timmons
- Marcie Roth
- Clare O'Loughlin
- Crystal Lewis
- David Song
- Alan John
- Linda S. Millis
- Kathy L. Francis
- Rachel Sisk
- Chloe Sexton
- Lindsey Hedrick