7th Grade: Creating a Preparedness Kit
How to Enter Instructions:
- Create a Video between 2 minutes and 6 minutes on how to create a Preparedness Kit.
- In Your Video Be Sure to Include:
- What a Preparedness Kit is
- Why you should make a Preparedness Kit
- For this information, click on the link: http://www.ready.gov/kids/builda-kit
- Carefully read through the “Rules & Eligibility” Tab.
How to Enter Instructions:
- Carefully read through everything on the “How to Enter” Tab.
- Carefully read through the "Rules and Eligibility" Tab. http://gotpreparedness.com/rulesandeligibility
- Create a video for the competition you are eligible for and are competition in.
- Complete the Video Waiver Form for each person whose face or voice is displayed in the video or is acknowledged in the video. All participants under the age of 18 must complete the Video Waiver Form labeled “Under 18 Video Waiver Form” http://gotpreparedness.com/howtoenter/18waiver/. All participants over the age of 18 must complete the Video Waiver Form labeled “18 and Over Video Waiver Form.” http://gotpreparedness.com/howtoenter/Over18/
- If you do not have a Facebook account, please create an account with your parent’s or guardian’s permission.
- Make sure to label your video with a title that includes your grade (example: "Dorothy in Tornadoes- Grade 8")
- Upload your video to Got Preparedness's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/got.preparedness?sk=app_403834839671843&brandloc;=DISABLE&app;_data=dlt-1